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Works and projects

This is the reflection of ideas, requests and research, and the academic and policy outputs they produce. The current and sometimes mundane topics are covered in the blog, while publications and projects include those ones that have deserved more detailed attention.

The list is not necessarily complete and it is needless to remember that some things were written when what I knew and thought about certain things was at another stage.

  • El derecho humano a la educación y la propietización de la información en el derecho argentino y comparado” (2017) [The Human Right to education and the propietization of information in Argentine and compartive law], in Transferencia de Tecnología y Derecho, Aguilar Navarro, Carlos Oscar y Oscar Javier Solorio Perez, editors, ISBN 978-84-9143-625-6 Tirant Lo Blanch, México


  • Barrio, Fernando y Alfredo Bozzetti, “From justice that bites to justice through bytes: towards a more transparent and efficient judicial system in the Rio Negro province of Argentina” (2014), in Revolutionizing the Interaction Between State and Citizens through Digital Communications, Edwards, Sam y Diogo Santos, editors, ISBN 978-146-6662-92-6 IGI Global, USA


  • La seguridad informática como requisito e imperativo procesal en la era digital” (2011) [Computer security as procedural requisite and necessity in the digital age] , in Los medios electrónicos y el derecho procesal, Ximena Puente de la Mora, editor, pps 171-196, ISBN 978-607-9136-33-8, Colima, México


  • "Technical and Legal Concerns About Global Card Payments" (2007), in Cyberlaw for Global E-Business: Finance, Payments and Dispute Resolution, Takashi Kubota, editor, pps 128-141, ISBN 978-1-59904-828-4, IGI Global, USA


  • Doi Tung Development Project” (1999), F. Barrio et al, in Overseas Fieldwork Report 1998. An Integrated Development Analysis of Chiang Rai Province, Thailand. A case Study, Nagoya University


  • Marketing, law and economic development: The case of Huay Poo Mai village in Chiang Rai, Northern Thailand” (1999), in Overseas Fieldwork Report 1998. An Integrated Development Analysis of Chiang Rai Province, Thailand. A case Study


  • Barrio, Fernando y María Cecilia Sarricouet,, [Criminal law and child pornography in the comparative law of Argentina, US and EU] 13:2 SCRIPTed, pps. 171-196, ISSN 1744-2567, University of Edinburgh


  • La propietizacion de la informacion y el derecho a recibir conocimiento” (2015) [The propietization of information and the right to receive knowledge],Revista de Derecho Privado N°10, Vol. III, July 2015, pps. 3-19, ISSN 2250-7582 Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of Argentina.


  • López Jiménez, David y Fernando Barrio, "Los códigos de conducta reguladores del comercio electrónico en el espacio europeo. Los casos de Alemania, España e Italia " (2010) [Electronic commerce self regulating codes in the European area. The cases of Germany, Spain and Italy], in Derecho y Tecnología 11/2010, pps 33-68, ISSN 1317-9306 Universidad Católica de Tachira: Venezuela


  • López Jiménez, David and Fernando Barrio, "El derecho de desistimiento en el ámbito de la contratación electrónica realizada en España" (2010) [The right of withdrawal in electronic contracts in Spain], 7:3, pps 497-514, ISSN1744-2567,Scotland


  • López Jiménez, David y Fernando Barrio, "Apuntes en torno a las marcas de distribuidor: una visión en el actual contexto de crisis económica" (2010) [Comments in relation to white brands: a view in the context of the current economic crisis], in Comunicaciones en Propiedad Intelectual y Derecho de la Competencia, N°57, pps 17-52, ISSN 1579-3494, Spain


  • "Sobre la existencia del derecho informático" (2008) [On the existence of Computer Law], in AR: Revista de Derecho Informático, N°121, online, ISSN 1681- 5726, Peru


  • "The consistent inconsistency in defining cyberspace spatial legal boundaries" (2007), in Revista Académica, Universidad de La Salle, Año IV N° 8, pps 83-100, ISSN1665-8639, Mexico


  • Regulación o autorregulación de los derechos del consumidor en Internet? Esa es la cuestión” (2006) [Regulation or self regulation of consumer rights in Internet? That is the question], Revista de Derecho, Comunicaciones y Nuevas Tecnologías, N 2, pps 123-136, ISSN 1794-9254, Colombia


  • “The Massive Cyberattack or Chronicle of a Strike Foretold”, Circle ID, 25 October 2016, online


  • Caring About Cybersecurity or Preparing the Ground for an I-Patriot Act?”, Circle ID, 11 September 2008, online


  • "Autonomous Robots and the Law" (2008), en Computers and Law, vol.19:4, pps 20-24, ISSN 0140-3249, England


  • Time to rethink TRIPS?”, Intellectual Property Watch, Switzerland, August 2006. ISSN 1661-7355 online



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